Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dear Editor,

I have been reading your colums concerning my love life and am starting to feel you may know more about it then I do. I have been left in the dark because Jane will no longer give me the time of day. I love Jane and hope one day she will allow me back into her heart. The closest I have been to Jane, lately, is through this gossip magazine, which is highly pathetic. I buy every subscription in order to get into Jane's thoughts to feel her presence. I feel like love is no longer an option for me and I have no choice but to give up all hope. There is no light at the end of the tunnel for me. I cannot make a woman love me who despises every fiber of my being. Please Jane if you are reading this, know I am sorry and really wanted to marry you.

As for Bertha, she can rot in hell, for turning my life upside down. I wish she had burned in that fire along with all the memories of us together. She can try to sue me for everything I have but she will regret it, mark my words. I will show her who is boss even if it kills me (or her).

Please Victorian Gossip throw me some kind of lifeline or at least a sign of hope.

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